“We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea—whether it is to sail or to watch—we are going back from whence we came.”
—John F. Kennedy
What better beach read than a book set on the water, near the water, or beneath the water? If you're looking for an island adventure,
some romance in the tropics, boats n' bad guys, or a thrilling treasure hunt, look no further than the books by the authors on this site.
Action-adventure, thrillers, suspense, mystery, crime, and romance… Tropical Authors has it all!
Are you a writer interested in joining Tropical Authors? Please read!
Tropical Authors began as a bunch of authors who cut their teeth in Sea Adventures. Many of them are friends, and after some spit-balling, the idea for the site was born. With the explosion of interest in Tropical Authors, the site is now going to need to implement several objective requirements in order for someone to join. At this time, the site is NOT monetized, so every update, every newsletter, is volunteer work. (And it's one of the reasons we don't add new people every month). So, going forward, here's what we're looking for:
1. Author must have at least two full-length novels set in the ocean, on an island, on a boat, along the coast, or in the tropics. We also allow for crime fiction set in Miami and other coastal Sunbelt cities. The "tropical/nautical" flavor is the most important requirement. We're looking for folks who are "on brand".
2. Your Book One in series, (or stand-alone) must have a minimum 100 reviews and an average Amazon star rating of 4.0 or better. If your Book One has 400 or more reviews, we can go as low as 3.8 (because you probably had a BookBub Freebie, and they can be notorious for "Not my cup of tea--one star" nonsense). In this case, subsequent books-in-series must have a rating of 4.2 or higher, as later books are a good indicator of read-through and engagement of core fans.
3. Professional covers, editing, formatting, and proofing. There is some wiggle room on this one, but if you've got gorgeous covers (clearly in the tropical genre) and clean, error-free interiors... that will weigh heavily in one's favor. One area where we do draw a line is if there are known quality issues in a book, especially when specifically noted on a book’s product page on Amazon. When we recommend an author to our site’s fans we want those readers to have a good experience. If you have quality issues, resolve those before contacting us.
4. Artificial Intelligence. While we anticipate authors may make use of A.I. to assist in outlining, write advertising copy, or to spitball ideas, Tropical Authors is a strong proponent of human artistry. We will not accept books with A.I.-generated material within (even if an author “spruces it up”). If you want AI to suggest some ideas, fine... but don't ask it to write any of the book for you. It’s a tool, not a writer (and anything it DOES write, it’s getting from other writers). A.I. narrated audiobooks will not be featured on the site or in newsletters. And please be careful with A.I.-generated covers. Many of these machine-generated art-forms are essentially collages, cobbled together from massive amounts of material—much of it copyrighted—and Tropical Authors does not wish to associate with anything that might present legal exposure in the future. Write your own books, pay cover designers and narrators for original work, and you’ll be fine.
And that's it! If you qualify, reach out via the contact form on the site. Please note, we've got a bushel of prospective writers waiting in the wings already, but we'll try to add some periodically. -Tropical Authors