

I grew up on a sheep farm in the Midwest. I was an only child, raised on Indiana Jones, Star Wars, and the Dukes of Hazzard. My dad was a fresh-water fish biologist and worked on the Missouri River. My mom was a teacher when I was young, and then became the principal of my school around the time I started taking an interest in beer. My grandpa, much like Al in my Drunk in Paradise series, actually owned a Case IH dealership, and I thought the world of him and my grandma.

I've been married twice. I'd say the first was a mistake, but that marriage gave me my four kids. Marriage numero dos came with two pre-made kids. So yeah, I'm paying for Christmas presents for six and college for three. So buy my next book, please.
​I'd say that was a joke, but jeez. College is expensive.

In a former life, I was a newspaper columnist, and I actually went to journalism school but eventually dropped out. I did go back to school and eventually got a teaching degree, but let's face facts. I sucked at being a teacher. I was just as much of a kid as the kids were.

The love of my life and I live in the Midwest. We go about our boring lives just like you do. We parent lots of teenagers and twenty-something-year-olds. We watch superhero movies and Dateline on TV. We're a little obsessive in our love for the Kansas City Chiefs. We take yearly visits to the Caribbean because hey, tax deductible. And now, I write books - sort of a life long dream, to be honest.

Visit Zane’s website, or his Amazon Author Page. Follow on Facebook, Twitter, BookBub, or Goodreads.

The Misadventures of

a Drunk in Paradise

From Book 1: So, I'm Drunk.

Daniel T. Drunk, Jr. if you really wanna know. And I'm on a plane headed to Paradise Isle on the trip of a lifetime. The occasion? My honeymoon.

Except, there's only one problem. I'm riding solo. It's a really long story, and if you don't mind, I'd prefer to leave it at that.

Really? You must know? Fine, I get it. You're the nosey type. Here's the abbreviated version: I came within an inch of marrying a cheating slut. There. Get the picture? Good.

But that's not what this story is about. This story is about what happened after I got to Paradise and a dead body showed up in my motel room. And, of course, the cops tried to blame it on me. And then the actual murderer decided they wanted me dead too. Fuck. The hits just kept on coming. And to top it all off. This woman started following me around the island, and she couldn't seem to keep her hands off me. But not in a good way. So if you're interested in a bit of Caribbean flavored action and adventure, with a hint of sexual tension, a dash of unapologetic profanity, and a kick-ass ending, then this is your book. If you're looking for the next best piece of literature since - oh, hell, who am I kidding? I don't know shit about good literature. But if that's what you're looking for, then keep moving, cause this ain't that. If, however, you're like me and just looking for a good time, then I'm your fella. I promise you, you won't be disappointed.

Rated R for language, crude humor, sexual innuendos, and the occasional non-PC remark. Rated A+ for entertainment value.